2019 Turquoise Gala Preview Events
So, you want to join the Gala Fun but can't make it to THE GALA?! Well then, buy your combo tickets for Friday, August 2 at EL Monte Sagrado! The afternoon speaker series from 3:30-5:00, will lead right into the Auction Preview Party from 5:00-8:00.
Enjoy the presentation with Dr. Frances Joan Mathien about the history of the highly coveted turquoise. Dr. Mathien has been researching Chaco Canyon for nearly thirty years, and is retired from the National Park Service. She has produced considerable research on the use of turquoise. She worked on the Chaco Project analyzing ornaments and minerals and was editor for many of the project’s publications. Currently she is researching the Chaco field schools held from 1929-1942, and 1947. Dr. Mathien will discuss how Native Americans in the Southwest used gems and minerals for beads, pendants and mosaics pieces; known sources for some of the minerals; possible trade relationships that moved goods between different cultural groups; and the continuity of the gems’ use into the present.
This enlightening lecture is followed with Light hors d'oeuvre, a signature Turquoise cocktail and wine are offered with the opportunity to purchase Silent Auction offerings plus you can make a sealed bid on any of the Live Auction Items that will be displayed. ON top of all of this fun are activities that are making this the "funfest" party in Taos!
Tickets will available at WILL CALL and will also be sold at the door.