Director's Perspective

Response to Corona Virus/Covid 19, 3/17/20

March 17, 2020 UPDATE: "The Millicent Rogers Board of Directors and staff feel is best to close the Museum at least through March 31, 2020, of co...

February 2020

February 2020
“We reached New Mexico in March, up through El Paso on a day so clear and cold it looked like you could see all the way north to the Sangre de Cris...

Millicent Rogers

Millicent Rogers
I've been working with the museum's Curator of Collections, Carmela Quinto, this week on a new exhibit called Icon, American Style.  The exhibit ...

A Close Relationship with Taos Pueblo

A Close Relationship with Taos Pueblo
Since its founding in 1956, the Millicent Rogers Museum has maintained a close relationship with Taos Pueblo. Millicent Rogers' youngest son, Paul Peralta-Ramos, founded the museum in memory of his mother and established several practices in our bylaws that further honored his late mother's affection for the people, customs, and artistic traditions of Taos Pueblo.

Pieces of Mabel Dodge Luhan and Company

Pieces of Mabel Dodge Luhan and Company

A few weeks ago, the Harwood Museum returned pieces they had borrowed from our collection for their traveling Mabel Dodge Luhan and Company exhibit, and the return of these pieces is the inspiration for this blog post.